Township and range system examples
Township and range system examples

township and range system examples

A section can be further divided into quarters (NE, NW, SE, SW) of 160 acres each or into 16 legal subdivisions (LSDs). These townships are further divided into 36 sections, each measuring one mile by one mile (one square mile). "Township" also describes the six mile by six mile square formed when the range and township lines intersect. The southern Alberta border with Montana is township 1, up to the northern border with the Northwest Territories at township 126. Townships are also six miles wide and are numbered from south to north. They are numbered consecutively from east to west, beginning west of the meridian. Between meridians are a series of columns, each six miles wide, called ranges. The ATS designates land as being west of the 4th Meridian (110 degrees west longitude), 5th Meridian (114 degrees west longitude) or 6th Meridian (118 degrees west longitude). The ATS is a grid network dividing the province into equal-sized square parcels of land, for purposes of administering legal land title. The Alberta Township System (ATS) is a variant of the Dominion Land Survey (DLS) system as implemented in Canada. Conversely, if you inserted a regular measured grid and change the coordinate system to a UTM system these components become available.WGS84 is used for all coordinates. If you change the grid’s coordinate system to a non-UTM system some components, like Grid Zone Designation Labels, will be removed because they are no longer applicable. When you add an MGRS grid from the default grid styles, Pro automatically determines what UTM zone your map is in and sets the grid to that coordinate system (if your map falls in more than one zone, only one is selected). MGRS grids also work for some industry specifications. If you need to provide more context for UTM coordinates, an MGRS grid may be right for you.

township and range system examples

The UTM coordinate system has some additional grid components, like 100,000m Grid Zone Labels and Grid Zone Designation Labels. MGRS ( Military Grid Reference System) grids are special measured grids showing UTM coordinates. Here 2 MGRS grids are used to show the correct coordinates. Stockholm, Sweden is a city split between 2 UTM zones.

Township and range system examples