Best tank cat in battle cats
Best tank cat in battle cats

best tank cat in battle cats

Roe Cat also benefits greatly from boost, as a level 50 Roe can reach over 1 million health against weakened reds. Despite this, Roe is able to be a decent generalist tanker, provided you have plus levels. Roe can and should be used in any stage that features exclusively Red Enemies, at least in a specific wave or as the only relevant threat, but his use is greatly lowered when he has a chance of receiving plenty of hits from non-reds.

best tank cat in battle cats

Roe Cat has a truly massive health pool, reaching an impressive 300k health against reds just at level 30 (Increased to over 600k with weaken)! This may seem high, but that's a necessity if this Cat wishes to stay relevant later on, which is definitely the case. This unit has a great synergy with iCat, as one stalls the enemies while the other freezes them.

best tank cat in battle cats

Since Sushi is a part of each of these combos, bringing them both to red stages such as Red Passions (Insane) or Boiling Spring will provide you a great advantage over your enemies. With these 2 combos combined, your units can be much more powerful and turn the battle in your favor. Cool Japan will grant your units a 15% attack power buff, and Bento special will grant you lots of money at the beginning of a stage. This cat is used in specific Cat Combos such as Cool Japan and Bento Special. Another thing that improves it is its range, or lack thereof, allowing it to protect nearly all DPS units, even rushers like Awakened Bahamut Cat and Yukimura. Do note that when these enemies are brought along as support, having a tough shield will only cause them to miss attacks less often, which can be a problem if there are units without any type of wave resistance. This cat can even be used to great effect against Two Can and Berserkory, as many stages feature these enemies almost by themselves, so it's possible to tank them with this near-immovable wall. Use this cat on stages with lots of Red enemies for a tactical advantage. In order to classify Cat Units, see here Strategy/Usage Įssentially Kotatsu Cat for Red enemies, this cat is very useful to stop the advancement of Bore, One Horn, Shy Boy and other Red enemies, as it can soak up damage from them while simultaneously weakening them.

Best tank cat in battle cats